NEGADON: The Monster from Mars

In the year 2025, the world population has exploded to over 10 billion. In search for a new place to live, mankind initiates a space exploration program entitled the Mars Terra-forming Project. Step by step, mankind successfully transforms Mars into a habitable planet. But when a Japanese spaceship returning from Mars crashes on the streets of Tokyo, A giant, vicious monster - Negadon - is unleashed. Only Dr. Narasaki and his long-abandoned robot Miroku can save Earth and mankind.

Director/Screenplay/CGI: Jun Awazu
Music & Sound Effect: Shingo Terasawa
Ryuichi Narasaki: Dai Shimizu
Seiji Yoshizawa: Takuma Sasahara
Narasaki Megumi: Akane Yumoto
Production · Distribution · Writing
Production: CoMix Wave Films
Length: 25 min x 1 eps
©Jun Awazu/ CoMix Wave Films